Benefits of waking up a Christian

What are the benefits of waking up this morning a Christian? 

I have someone to say thank you to, for the sea of daffodils glowing in the sunshine outside the window.

I can rest in the knowledge that I am forgiven, for everything I regret or have done wrong, ever.  That dispels a lot of potential anxiety.  And increases my gratitude for the day ahead.

I can marvel at the beauty of a narcissus that is in a vase on my kitchen table.  And have a settled idea of where it came from and why it’s here.

I can talk with God about everything – it’s a wrench to do so because somehow it’s always easier to get on with something else.  But chatting with him, listening to him, putting my thoughts and concerns before him and letting him turn them into something good – that is a great way to tee up the day.  I can then move forward knowing that he’s heard my prayers and will answer them in whatever way he thinks best.

That sounds so improbable that it’s worth acknowledging that this is claiming that the real, living God listens to me as well as to billions of other people, at the same time, and answers all of our prayers (though not necessarily in the way that we would expect).  He loves us intimately, knows us perfectly, sees everything, and blesses always.  That’s quite a lot more amazing and personal than any technological solution could ever devise.  Yes, it’s a big claim.  But it’s a claim he makes about himself, through Jesus, and throughout the Bible.  It’s not something I or anyone else has just made up.

I know he has the end of my life all sorted out, already.

I know that he cares for everyone I love and that they’re safe in his hands.

There is purpose for all of our days.  And a reason to smile, and laugh, and give, and rejoice, and to help the poor and everyone else around us.

For me, that feels like a great load of benefits.  If it’s true – that’s the most important thing – then all of these benefits follow.  And many other good things as well.